Something I noticed

I have found that if I am going to have a health crisis, it tends to creep up on me in the spring. I have often wondered why.

Then I had an idea to track the years I have participated in NaPoWriMo to see if there was any connection between writing a poem for every day in April, and a health crisis. Sure enough my suspicions were correct: Any year I participated in writing poetry in the spring, was a year that I was inoculated from major crisis or surgery.

Lest you think the poetry writing itself is the magic bullet, I submit this tidbit for your consideration: any year that I decide I am TOO BUSY to participate, is more likely than not to be a year when I FALL APART. It’s the Being to Busy to Do Fun Things I Enjoy that makes me sick.

At least that’s my current theory.

No connection but here is a picture of hard hockey puck biscuits I made recently that serve as a reminder that baking powder only stays fresh for a few months…do your baking a favor and get a fresh can.