Knitting Challenge: Finding Yarn the Color of My Cat

I’ve spent many long moments staring into the lovely green eyes of my cat Sketch, and recently I noticed how beautiful his green eyes and orange nose fit with the colors of his fur.

Sketch is so handsome!

Sketch is so handsome!

I decided to make a trip to my local yarn store to see if I could find a these colors and knit something with them.

I wandered around for at least twenty minutes, dealing with the usual problem I face when I try to do a color-inspired project like this: when I could find a good green and orange in a specific yarn type, they wouldn’t have the brown and beige. And if I found the brown and beige, they wouldn’t have the green and orange. I considered mixing yarn types, especially after I discovered the perfect cat nose yarn:

Yarn the color of my cat's nose

This yarn screams “cat nose.”

Finally I noticed that both of these lines had some good combinations:

Selection of cat colored yarns

Selection of cat colored yarns

I was going to settle on the Cascade 220 on the right because it had the dark brown that the other lacked, and even had it in the basket:

Basket of Yarn

But then I found this Rowan Lima and decided I wanted to knit with that instead.

Final Selection of cat colored yarns

Final Selection of cat colored yarns

So I’m not sure what I’m going to make with this yarn, but I’m leaning toward a hat with cat ears. I’ll keep you posted. 😉